Ubi day-out! Want to play Assassin's Creed? Available on Monday?

by Steven Williamson on 9 November 2007, 11:42

Tags: Assassins Creed, Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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2 places - Bring a friend

Ahead of the launch of the highly anticipated Assassin's Creed, we've got 2 places to giveaway to an exclusive day out with the Ubisoft team in London on Monday 12th November 2007 beginning at 12pm.

Ubisoft has hired out an atmospheric location near to Holburn Circus where they'll have Xbox 360's set up, giving 2 of our readers a chance to spend some uninterrupted time playing the action adventure. We've also been told that Ubisoft will be giving away plenty of exclusive Assassin's Creed goodies and they'll also be lunch and drinks provided.

We're not running a competition for the places because it's such short notice, instead, the first two people to email us at HEXUS.gaming will be given the places.

Before you email in, please only do so if you can DEFINITELY attend. Places are limited and if you're not sure whether you can make it you'll be ruining the chance for someone else to do so.

Each of the attendees are allowed to bring a friend along, but please can you make it clear in the email if you wish to do so and tell us their name.

We'll provide you with all the details of the event no later than 7pm this evening.


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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Damn, shame I have to work Monday :(
The people have been chosen! Thanks and enjoy.
have fun you lucky people :)
There's a place available again!
I only did read this now…
Anyway, I'm very far away from London. On the other side of the ocean, actually.
Lucky people, who got this.