Exclusive content for Assassin’s Creed PC launch in March

by Steven Williamson on 7 February 2008, 12:49

Tags: Assassins Creed, Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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More variety in the missions

Ubisoft has brought word that the PC installment of the action adventure game, Assassin’s Creed will be available in shops at the end of March and will boast content exclusive to this version.

In the console version you carry out various investigation missions that fit into four categories: Interrogation, eavesdropping, pick-pocketing and saving a citizen. In the PC version however, entitled “Assassin’s Creed, Director’s cut edition”, there will be four new types of investigation, which should add more excitement to the missions.

With more than 5 million units of the console versions sold to date worldwide since its mid-November 2007 launch, Ubisoft will be hoping PC gamers will be just as thrilled when the game arrives in March.

Check out our Assassin’s Creed Xbox 360 Review.

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that's what it does with the extra 2 gig of ram then!
I'm putting 8 gig in just for this game.
Any idea if they're going to implement achievements with it?

It would be nice.. :P