Halo 3 porn offenders face ban from Bungie

by Steven Williamson on 5 August 2008, 09:20

Tags: Halo 3, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Bungie has cottoned onto the fact that some Halo 3 players have been taking advantage of the game's file sharing facility to distribute pornographic material.

In a statement from Bungie, the developer has vowed to take harsh action on those who are caught with, for want of a better phrase, their hands down their pants.

Players caught will be banned from the Halo matchmaking service, banned from sharing content and banned from playing Halo 3 for one month.

"Users who have modified content on their File Share - regardless of who created said content - will be subjected to the full power of the Banhammer's thrust," reads the statement.

"This includes some never-before-unleashed technology that will effectively terminate your Halo multiplayer experience online in every imaginable facet. In fact, the ban is so thorough that simply calling it the Banhammer is a complete understatement."

We guess that means that setting up a new account won't work either.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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while they are at it can they ban the annoying racist american kids that play online :)
SAFC Craig;1491529
while they are at it can they ban the annoying racist american kids that play online :)

Ban all young Americans…. and do us all a favour.
People like that ruin the name of the game!

The majority of gamers ruin it for the rest of them.
SAFC Craig;1491529
while they are at it can they ban the annoying racist american kids that play online :)

yeah i think it says alot that they are more worried about people sharing images of sex than they are of the thousands of little nobs spouting off about *******, jews, paki's, sand ******* etc. Online gaming really opened my eyes to just how racist alot of America is, it's mental.

I do wonder why anyone would be using Halo3 for the porn needs.
^ yea i agree with all that.