Gears of War 3 coming with 5 player co-op?
by Steven Williamson
on 11 December 2008, 09:38
Gears of War 2 ,
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
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The magazine claims that Gears of War 3 has an estimated release date of 2010, which would put each of the titles two years apart and once again it will see the return of the game's hero, Marcus Fenix.
Rumours are doing the rounds that it will feature 5-player co-op in single player mode, which isn't an impossibility considering there's currently a 5-player co-op "Horde" mode online.
This morning Epic has denied the rumour saying to Eurogamer that it was "total nonsense."
With confirmation this week that Gears of War 2 has already sold over 3 million copies, Epic would be mad not to consider a third title.
Check out the HEXUS.gaming Gears of War 2 review.