Gears of War 2 - "Major title update"
by Steven Williamson
on 6 January 2009, 10:52
Gears of War 2 ,
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
Xbox 360,
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There will be a number of enhancements to the game which should significantly improve the gameplay, including bug fixes and the addition of achievement points that will run alongside the multiplayer maps which were launched in December.
Some of the changes relate to online play.
"We’re fixing a whole bunch of online exploits. For example we’ve fixed the ability to wield an invisible shield, melee through some walls, gain infinite Lancer ammo and equip a shield and a two-handed weapon simultaneously plus many more," says Rein.
There'll also be some tweaking to weapons to ensure they're more effective during laggy matches.
"We fixed the client side hit detection on the shotgun so that in a high-latency match, the shotgun will be more reliable."
In addition to enhanced spawn protection and harsher penalties for gamers who quit matches early, Epic say they'll be many more changes, which they'll detail in full shortly.
A date has yet to set for the patch.
"We don’t have an exact date for it but all indicators are it will go live within January. If that changes we’ll let you know," says Rein.