New price scheme planned for Xbox 360 Indie games channel

by Steven Williamson on 28 July 2009, 10:58

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Following the less than impressive start to Xbox 360's Indie Games Channel, previously known as the Community Games Channel, Microsoft is set to receive a new pricing structure on October 22 that will bring down the highest price that developers can sell their games at down by half.

Currently Indie games sell for 800, 400 or 200 Microsoft Points (MSP), but poor sales has led to a re-think by Microsoft. Under the new scheme developers will only be able to charge 400, 240 and 80 Microsoft Points, or in Lamen's terms, GBP 3.40/EUR 4.80, GBP 2.04/EUR 2.40 and GBP 0.68/EUR 0.96 respectively.

The new pricing scheme won't come into effect until October 22, so games currently priced in the 800 and 400 categories won't be affected. However, the decision has been made to bring all games priced at 200 MSP immediately down to 80 MSP.

Following the new pricing structure comes update 3.1 for XNA Studio, which will add party and video playback support, alongside a new reputation system.

Poor marketing has been cited as being part of the reason why Xbox 360 Indie games have sold poorly.

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