Earthworm Jim dug up for Xbox 360 and PS3 outing

by Steven Williamson on 18 August 2009, 13:10

Tags: Action/Adventure

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Over the past few weeks Sega has been running a poll on its website asking fans of its Sega Mega Drive games which title they'd like to see revived on the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Store.

The voting hasn't officially finished, but we do know that Earthworm Jim was way ahead of the likes of Streets of Rage, Golden Axe II, Revenge of Shinobi and ToeJam & Earl in the voting.

Earthworm Jim has now been removed from the poll and Gameloft and Interplay has confirmed today that the spineless superhero will be revived for console.

“We are delighted to partner with Interplay to bring Earthworm Jim to multiple downloadable platforms,” said Gonzague de Vallois, senior vice president, Gameloft. “The game, with its humorous and edgy style, is a great fit for today’s gamer who craves a fully immersive experience that is fun and easily accessible. We look forward to delivering a fantastic game.”

We're not sure whether Earthworm Jim will be a straight port of the Mega Drive classic or an enhanced version. The Xbox Live Arcade version will launch first, before Christmas, and the PlayStation Store and WiiWare versions will follow.

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\o/ WoOoOoOoOoOoOoOt

Finally Earthworm Jim makes its return :D Been voting for it since the poll went live. I would of liked to see Golden Axe 2 and Toejam and Earl be released to but out of the poll Jim would be the best bang for buck title there for the gameplay and comedy alone :D Here's hoping it gets a little brush up but as they want it out before Christmas I reckon we will get the megadrive port.

Although the next poll is now running so we can all vote again for the next one :D
Yay! Earthworm Jim!

Is it going to be Free?
Yay! Earthworm Jim!

Is it going to be Free?

Doubt it lol XBOX live and PSN, will probably be about 800 MS points and sony probably a fiver or so?