Microsoft to bring 802.11n Wi-Fi to Xbox 360

by Parm Mann on 15 September 2009, 11:49

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Now that the IEEE has set the 802.11n specification in stone, we can expect to see a wave of new supporting products. Fresh out the gate is Microsoft, with a 802.11n adapter for its Xbox 360 games console.

The unit, dubbed the Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter, has made its way into the hands of America's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for approval.

There's no news on availability yet, but the adapter's two antennas should help provide all the bandwidth you'll need for uninterrupted gaming sessions.

At present, all three big-name games consoles - Microsoft's Xbox 360, Nintendo's Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3 - offer support for the 802.11b/g wireless standard. However, Microsoft's console, to the dismay of many, offers wireless support only via an optional accessory priced at a relatively-high £59.99.

The advantage of an external accessory, of course, is that Microsoft now finds itself able to offer an easy upgrade to 802.11n. Here's hoping it'll be less than £60, though.

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Still a complete and utter ripoff, then.
Still a complete and utter ripoff, then.

How do you know? It may cost £10! I doubt it but you never know.
The console hardware model, subsidise the base, high margin on everything else.

plus they know they have by far and away the best catalogue of games, thanks to their low barrier for development. The best online experiance, which they can still charge a fortune for ………..
I've found nothing wrong with the original 360 wireless adaptor, apart from the price of course.

I use one for my 360 that is downstairs and can't say that I have noticed any lag or problems over my wired one upstairs.
Seeing as the normal wireless one is USB is there not just a cheap USB wifi adapter you can use instead of the expensive MS one?