Halo videogame series to run for at least another 6 years
by Steven Williamson
on 8 October 2009, 15:16
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
Xbox 360,
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Fans of Master Chief will be glad to here confirmation today that the future of Halo is extremely bright. Speaking to USA Today, Frank O'Connor, creative director for 343 Industries, a division of Microsoft, says that there are plans to create videogames based on Halo beyond the next six years.
"We do have a plan that goes out at least six years," he says.
"Eventually, it will become very apparent that there is a plan for the way the canon all ties together and the way the comic books and the novels all tie together."
That six year plan begins with the prequel to Halo 1, Halo Reach, which was announced earlier this year and is planed for Autumn 2010.
The latest game in the Halo series, Halo ODST launched in September and has reportedly sold approximately 2.5 million units worldwide.
Fans have also eagerly been anticipating the big screen debut of Master Chief, but O Connor today suggested today that he movie could still be a long time coming. "We're being very careful to pick the right time and the right partner," he said.
Source:: USA Today