Facebook and Twitter to launch on Xbox 360 next month?

by Steven Williamson on 12 October 2009, 09:48

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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In August, Microsoft revealed that extensions of the social networking site, Facebook and micro-blogging application, Twitter will be accessible via the Xbox 360 dashboard following the next big update.

Though the information has now been pulled from Xbox.com, a launch date of 17th November has now been revealed; and it's believed that a beta testing phase will begin in the US between the 15th and 31st October.

Xbox Live Gold Subscribers will be able to access the two services and will be able to post screenshots and texts to their profiles in real-time.

Microsoft tell us more:

XBox 360 users be able to access the Facebook application to make status updates, view photos and more. However, XBox Live will also incorporate Facebook Connect so that gaming activities can be posted back to Facebook, such as in-game screen shots.

Twitter will integrate easily and it will be even easier to use with the Qwerty keyboard which can be purchased as an accessory.

The Twitter and Facebook applications are on their way to your Xbox 360 just in time for the holidays and a winter on the couch communicating with all of your social media friends.

Check out the video, which shows exactly how Facebook and Twitter will look after the dashboard update.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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I don't suppose you get Felicia Day along with that as well…?
why would you want to twitter on your xbox
why would you want to twitter


Or, for those that can answer the above…

why wouldn't you want to twitter on your xbox
What a load of old billhooks……

Or, for those that can answer the above…

like me then you arte not a fan. can't see the point of it at all