Mass Effect 2 launch date and pre-order incentives revealed
by Steven Williamson
on 19 October 2009, 13:49
Mass Effect 2,
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In support of the launch, BioWare is releasing unique Mass Effect 2 pre-order incentives at key retailers in North America and across Europe. Codes for downloading these items will be provided to players who have pre-ordered, usable when the game is released.
Pre-order bonuses include special-ops armor and weaponry that are designed to boost Commander Shepard’s skills and abilities. Terminus Gear includes the powerful Terminus Assault Armor and the M-490 Blackstorm Heavy Weapon. Terminus Armor is designed for use in extreme planetary conditions, increasing run speed and personal shields, and augmenting weapons with an additional magazine of reserve ammo. The M-490 Blackstorm Heavy Weapon generates a high-powered localized gravity well, accelerating particles to near-infinite mass, and ultimately expanding the selection of heavy weapons available to players when they gear up for combat missions in Mass Effect 2.
Inferno Armor will also be available as a separate pre-order incentive. This item is used by officers to monitor battlefield conditions by recognizing elevated heart rates, and regulates sub-systems with extreme efficiency to allow for greater response times – together these abilities translate in-game into a negotiation bonus for Commander Shepard and an increase in run speed and augmented damage from combat powers.
Specific UK retail partners for the two pre-order bonuses will be revealed soon.
The Mass Effect trilogy is a science fiction adventure set in a vast universe filled with dangerous alien life and mysterious, uncharted planets. In Mass Effect 2, players step into the role of the heroic Commander Shepard, commanding their crew of some of the most dangerous operatives from across the galaxy on a mission so challenging that it’s potentially suicidal. Featuring shooter action, a futuristic storyline, space exploration and character interaction, the game plans to deliver an unparalleled cinematic experience.