Microsoft "protecting" Xbox 360 customers by banning unnofficial storage solutions

by Steven Williamson on 26 October 2009, 10:15

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Microsoft has cited its reasons as to why it will block unauthorised storage solutions for the Xbox 360 at the next software update by claiming that it is protecting the consumer from cheats.

Via the official Xbox 360 blog, Major Nelson recently revealed:

“When Preview Program members start receiving the Xbox 360 system update next week, one of the changes is that unauthorized memory units will no longer work with the Xbox 360. If you’ve moved your profile or saved games onto one to “back it up,” you’d better move it back onto an authorized Xbox 360 storage device prior to taking the update,” he writes.

Speaking with IGN, a Microsoft spokesperson explained why the company has taken such action:

"It has only recently become a wide spread enough issue that warranted us making this policy change," he said. "Yes, USB sticks will still work with the Xbox 360. USB functionality is "read only" and thus can't be used to cheat in the same fashion as the unauthorized MUs are."

"We are doing this to protect the Xbox platform from cheating and to help ensure that customers purchase products that meet the compatibility, safety and compliance standards that they expect from the Xbox 360," he added.

Call us skeptical if you will, but it sounds more like Microsoft is trying to make some extra cash by forcing people to buy the official storage solution.

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Read about this a few days ago, seems it's only third party, unlicensed memory sticks.

Seems fair enough from the viewpoint of MS considering they receive nothing for the license but the fact remains the official/licensed ones should still be cheaper!