GoldenEye remake rumoured: Golden Eye 2010?
by Steven Williamson
on 26 October 2009, 16:48
Nintendo (TYO:7974),
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Well, rumour has it that GoldenEye 2010 is in the works. An animator from Eurocom, who were recently involved with the development of Quatum of Solace, has claimed on his online CV that he is working on the title. Eagle-eyed Internet surfers spotted the leaked information and since the news has travelled around gaming circles, the Eurocom employee's CV has been taken offline.
It's not enough evidence to confirm the existence of a GoldenEye remake, but we can all still live in hope. It may not be that great anyhow if the last GoldenEye game, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, is anything to go by.