Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter surfaces at UK supermarket

by Parm Mann on 9 November 2009, 10:40

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Microsoft is keeping the details of its Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter firmly under wraps, and though we know it exists, there hasn't been any clear indication of pricing or availability... until now.

Said adapter has made an appearance at UK supermarket chain, ASDA. It appears to be the work of an overzealous ASDA employee, but seeing as stock is reaching stores, we'd expect to see the 802.11n adapter widely available in the very near future.

ASDA has the adapter priced at £49, making it comfortably cheaper than the current 802.11b/g offering - priced by Microsoft at £59.99.

Whether or not Microsoft will continue to offer both adapters side-by-side remains unknown, but it'll need to snip the price of the older 802.11b/g offering if it's to make any sense.

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i'm more shocked at the price.
The price of these are a joke - and not just a small one either. Its even worse when you consider the WII/PS3/DS/PSP have wireless built in! Anyone would think they didn't want people spending £40 a year on XB live…
MS know how to screw money out of people, that's without doubt.

I have the original wireless adaptor and that works fine, I don't see how this is going to be any better.
Microsoft's next console better have 802.11N built-in and a user-upgradable HDD. £90 for a 120GB HDD is just scandalous. :eek:
Microsoft's next console better have 802.11N built-in and a user-upgradable HDD. £90 for a 120GB HDD is just scandalous. :eek:

Hmm, I'm not that bothered for any wireless connector (using that powerline ethernet that the radio amateurs and CB enthusiasts hate so much), but I agree 100% with the disk pricing statement.

What I can't understand is why someone in Redmond hasn't hit on the idea of a disk upgrade kit for OEM, (so sans disk). So it's basically the disk carrier and the transfer software/hw along with some instructions. That lets Joe Public get their own disk* (presumably from a list of ‘approved’ models) and do the upgrade. Better still, just do the transfer stuff and some replacement instructions, then I can use my old carrier and keep the look the same as the rest of the machine.

Damned RockBand/GuitarHero DLC has made a serious dent in the measly 20GB disk that my old 360 came with, and a bit more space would be very welcome. And that FableII DLC looks good, and CoD:MW2 will probably have some too. Argh…

*Unless someone's going to tell me that's it's not a standard drive and has some monkeyed-about firmware in there too (which is still not a showstopper imho).

Maybe they're worried about someone trying to squeeze a 'raptor in? :surprised: