Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter U.K. release date confirmed

by Steven Williamson on 12 November 2009, 09:00

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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The U.K. release of the Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter, which was spotted in ASDA earlier this week, has now been given a firm released date by Microsoft.

Speaking to Eurogamer, the company has confirmed that the wi-fi peripheral will launch on November 20th, with a £59.99 RRP. This puts it at the same price as the current wi-fi adapter that was available alongside the console's launch .

The main difference between the two adapters is that the new 802.11n wi-fi standard can receive data at 300Mbps, whereas the older 802.11g model receives data at approximately 54Mpbs.

Judging by this photo, it looks as though ASDA will sell the new adapter at £49.99 , so you can expect the price of the current adaptor to come down as stores seek to shift remaining stock. There's still no word from Microsoft on whether the two adpators will both continue to be sold, or whether the older version will be phased out completely.

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Still overpriced imho, especially when you concider other consoles that are out there and how much there wireless add-ons are….