PS3 set to release Facebook integration before Xbox 360?

by Steven Williamson on 12 November 2009, 17:18

Tags: Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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Though it's still only a rumour, numerous sources are suggesting that, like Microsoft, Sony has signed a deal with Facebook to integrate the social networking site into its PS3 online service.

Furthermore, it's expected that the Sony will beat Microsoft to the launch of the application, with some evidence indicating that it will added in the next firmware update, expected very soon.

Pictures, spotted by Scrawlfx , which appeared on the official PlayStation website and have since been removed, showed the Facebook icon present on the XMB. The pictures also suggest that gamercards, similar to those seen on Xbox Live, will also be introduced in the update.

A date for the next firmware update has yet to be announced.

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Facebook integration before the 360?


It's already done, seeing as the preview program is on and has been running for some time has it, twitter and
Cant you just do it through the browser anyway ?
Oh for petes sake why!?
It's on most other devices now, so why not the PS3?
It's on most other devices now, so why not the PS3?

Because we need moar fuel for the flames of war.