Cheats system coming to Xbox 360?

by Steven Williamson on 1 December 2009, 11:00

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, Action/Adventure

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A patent filed by Microsoft suggests that it is looking to incorporate a cheats system into Xbox Live, allowing gamers to get tips, strategies and walkthroughs at the press of a button.

According to Siliconera, who uncovered the patent, it would be a user-generated system allowing gamers to take screenshots and video and even add their own audio commentary. The patent was submitteed by Andre Vrignaud, Microsoft’s Director of Games Platform Strategy, which also states that a star rating system would allow users to rank user-submitted material.

Microsoft has yet to comment on the patent, and there's no indication as to when it might launch, or even if the patent will become a reality.

Our pessimitc side just makes us think that it wouldl be abused by unscrupolous gamers showing off glitches and ways to cheat. Would you use it?

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so basically they are going to introduce whats avalible on google in to 360?
Our pessimitc side just makes us think that it wouldl be abused by unscrupolous gamers showing off glitches and ways to cheat. Would you use it?
Never really understood why people frown upon exploiting glitches/bugs.. Your just better at getting the game to do what you want than them. Nothing to stop them learning or taking it up with the developers. Just easier to label you lame and a cheat so they can aviod facing upto their own gaming inadequcies…
Never really understood why people frown upon exploiting glitches/bugs.. Your just better at getting the game to do what you want than them. Nothing to stop them learning or taking it up with the developers. Just easier to label you lame and a cheat so they can aviod facing upto their own gaming inadequcies…

Exploiting a bug or a glitch isn't so much of a cheat in my eyes depending on its usage. If you just using it to gain a small leverage but just as vulnerable then fine - i dont mind the competition…but if it puts you in a situation where you cant be killed/seen/injured then yes sorry it is cheating and the only reason you are doing it is because you are the one that suffers from the lack of talent (not directing that at YOU - but in general to anyone who does it…unless you do it…and therefore is directed at you).

You can't justify what you have said in any way - if you are “just better” then you wouldn't need to exploit the game in the first place. And every cheat I have seen who have owned up to it (kudos) and turned off their hacks/stopped glitching became the worst player on the server.

However I am the type of gamer that can sit down and say there are better gamers out there than me, i enjoy it regardless. It's not so much frowned upon with me - I just find it pathetic, since its the only way they can make their e-penis bigger! But that's just my opinion…

On topic…what's the point? What can they offer that the internet can't? (as already mentioned with google…)
Never really understood why people frown upon exploiting glitches/bugs.. Your just better at getting the game to do what you want than them. Nothing to stop them learning or taking it up with the developers. Just easier to label you lame and a cheat so they can aviod facing upto their own gaming inadequcies…

Well, it's all to do with the difference between single player and multi player in my eyes.

There was nothing more frustrating in BF2 than someone jumping into a wall and then shooting everybody through it, because bullets could only pass out of the wall - not into it.
Never really understood why people frown upon exploiting glitches/bugs.. Your just better at getting the game to do what you want than them.
Presumably when you play a game that has things like walls and other obstacles part of the reason you play it is because you take enjoyment out of skillfully using them to your advantage. It's part of the gameplay, in other words, or you'd just be playing BZflags.

Other people coming into the game have an expectation that everyone is also playing the game for these same reasons, or they'd also be playing BZflags.

Then you get someone coming along who basically finds they are so bad at the game that they can't play it when on vaguely equal footing with other players, so they only get enjoyment if they hold an unfair advantage. These same people wouldn't enjoy obstacle-less BZflags because things would be equal. They also wouldn't enjoy it if everyone else used the same exploits, because again things would be equal.

If you believe that people should have an equal chance at playing, then you might as well prevent glitches etc. - because then people who want to play without obstacles can play BZflags, and those who want to play with can play COD or whatever. IE, you make the game match what the developers wanted to achieve, and the reasons people bought the game in the first place.