An end to Microsoft Points?
by Steven Williamson
on 21 January 2010, 12:35
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
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Microsoft points are currently used to purchase content without a credit card on Xbox Live Marketplace and the Games For Windows Live platform, but criticism has been aimed at the company by some gamers who believe that the fantasy currency is misleading.
Today, Xbox bigwig Aaron Greenberg has stepped forward to answer those criticisms and it looks like although Microsoft Points are probably here to stay, the company may look at altering the current system to show real prices.
Speaking to G4TV, Greenberg said:
"We never intended to ever mislead people. We want to be transparent about it, and so it is something that we're looking at.
"How can we be more transparent and let people see it in actual dollars? You've got to think that we have one service that we’re offering around the world. The nice thing about Points is that no matter if you're on the JPY or the EUR or the USD – something that's 200 Points is 200 Points everywhere around the world.
"There's more technical complexities to being able to put local prices in. You have to do that for every product in every country and you then have to deal with currency fluctuations. So there's some challenges to that, but we absolutely did it with the Games on Demand, response has been good and absolutely it’s something we're looking at doing."
The first person to tell us how much 150 Microsoft points is worth can give themselves a big pat on the back, we haven’t got a clue.