250 GB Xbox 360 HDD add-on gets green light

by Steven Williamson on 1 February 2010, 16:19

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Microsoft is to release a new storage solution in Japan for the Xbox 360 in the form of a 250GB add-on hard-drive.

The standalone unit will retail at approximately 15,540 yen (£108) and boasts double the amount of storage as the current highest spec Xbox 360, the Xbox 360 Elite.

Though Microsoft has released a few 250GB-equipped consoles in Europe, it hasn't offered an add-on hard-drive as a separate product. It has no plans to either.

"Microsoft has no current plans to put it on sale as a stand-alone unit outside of Japan," confirmed Kei Iwasaki, a Microsoft spokesman in Tokyo.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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£108 for a 250Gb HDD :crazy:

Not really a cost effective solution when it's compared to the price of external USB solutions.

Microsoft really need to look at the pricing of their entire HDD range or I cannot see many of these being sold.
Surely by now they should allow people to use their own SATA hdds? £150 is a way inflated price for a 250gb hdd that would cost around £20-30 off scan ;)
I completely agree, there's no way I'd spend that much on a 360 HDD I mean there's nothing special about it it's just a 2.5" drive in a caddy. The other capacities are no better value either. I mean I know they have to make money after selling the console at a loss (not even sure if that's still true) but they more than do that with the games! The same applies to most if not all of the accessories - the battery pack consists of two NiMH AA batteries and the £15 headset is worth about 5p IMO. And no, I'm not a PS3 fanboy or something (I don't own a PS3 for a start) but at least they let you upgrade your HDD and use any bluetooth headset.
Lee @ SCAN;1866025
£108 for a 250Gb HDD :crazy:

Not really a cost effective solution when it's compared to the price of external USB solutions.

Microsoft really need to look at the pricing of their entire HDD range or I cannot see many of these being sold.

The joys of being locked in to a system! :)

120 GB is the perfect size for me anyway - loads of room for game installs and all the XBLA & map packs you could possibly want!
And no, I'm not a PS3 fanboy or something

What is this enigma with people that just because they're going to say something nice about the playstation they have have to defend themselves with a statement that usually they ‘would’nt touch the PS3 with a 10ft barge pole'?

Dont take it personal Watercooled :confused: