Halo Wars and Fable 2 make classic status
by Steven Williamson
on 8 February 2010, 09:18
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
Xbox 360
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Available from today, Fable II and Halo Wars will join the Xbox 360 Classics, with each game available at an ERP of just £19.99.
Who Will You Become?
Fable II provides gamers with an epic story and innovative real-time gameplay that truly allows players to live the life they choose in an unimaginably open world environment where their every decision continually defines who they become. Fable II Classics comes fully loaded with Fable II plus the Knothole Island and See the Future premium game add-ons, two additional adventures for your Hero to embark upon.
Take Control of the Halo Universe
Halo Wars is a strategy game based on the legendary Halo universe. Command entire armies of Spartans, Warthogs and more as you join the crew of the “Spirit of Fire” battling the alien Covenant. Designed from the ground up for the Xbox 360, Halo Wars let you effortlessly command powerful armies in epic battles. Halo Wars Classics also includes a download card for bonus content game add-ons previously available on Xbox LIVE – the Strategic Options Pack and Historical Battle Map Pack which offer over 100 new career achievement points.