LA Noire takes suspect interrogation to another level

by Steven Williamson on 8 February 2010, 21:13

Tags: Rockstar Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), Xbox 360, PS3

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An upcoming issue of Game Informer magazine, sent to subscribers early, reveals the first details on Rockstars and Team Bondi's upcoming thriller, L.A. Noire.

We'll play the role of rookie cop Cole Phelps as he rises up the ranks of the police force eventually making it to the homicide squad. During parts of the game we'll be tasked with investigating crime scenes, gathering evidence in our notebook and then approaching witnesses and suspects to interrogate them.

The interrogation system appears to be far more advanced then what we've seen before. Team Bondi says that it has captured facial animations so accurately that by studying the suspect carefully we'll be able to make a judgement over whether they're lying or telling the truth. This will be an important part of the gameplay. By asking questions to suspects and witnesses, using clues that we've already gathered to contradict their statements or press for more information, we'll be able to decide whether or not to accuse them of the crime. Though the gathering of clues from the crime scene will be vital, studying facial expressions will also be extremely important.

IGN, who managed to bag an early copy of Game Informer, explains more:

"The new facial motion capturing system sets actors alone in a giant room with cameras all around. In full make-up, the actor delivers their dialogue. Every facial moment is recorded, from the most exaggerate of motions to the slightest twitch of an eye. The dialogue is recorded at this time as well, creating a seamless scene. All of this is then translated into a 3D game landscape with no animators needed. The result? According to GI, it's a picture-perfect rendering of the actor's scene. That's important to the gameplay."

Those expecting L.A Noire to mirror the style of Rockstar's flagship franchise, The Grand Theft Auto Series, will be disappointed. "Don't expect the "shoot everyone" mentality of a Grand Theft Auto title this is something completely different," writes IGN.

L.A. Noire is set to be revealed in all its glory at E3 this summer.

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