Bungie wants to celebrate final days of Xbox Live with Halo 2 send-off

by Steven Williamson on 8 February 2010, 16:49

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox, Xbox 360, FPS

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With the original Xbox Live servers due to close in April for good, Halo creator Bungie wants fans of its first person shooter to celebrate this sad time together by jumping onto the online service for one final blast on Halo 2.

Following Microsoft's announcement of the closure last week, Bungie was quick to comment saying: "We're all saddened at the realisation that an era is coming to an end but looking back, we're incredibly fortunate to have had such a great run and such strong support from our fans.

Halo 2 has been at or near the top of the Xbox Live charts for original games since it launched over five years ago."

In what is sure to be an emotional send-off for the legions of Halo 2 fans, Bungie asks all those who have supported them over the years to jump onto the Halo 2 Xbox Live servers for "one last hoorah." The date to pencil in your diaries is 14 April, 2010.

"One final farewell and one final opportunity for all of you to kick our asses at Halo 2," says Bungie.

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:( long gone tbh - shame as it would be nice to give it a send-off
:( long gone tbh - shame as it would be nice to give it a send-off

Still got mine. I'm definitely going to jump online, had some great times playing this.
This is why consoles are bad, Halo 2 was a good game, but aleast you can still play it on the PC.
:( long gone tbh - shame as it would be nice to give it a send-off

May still have my copy knocking around if you want it? I'll have a look tonight, yours for free-ninety-nothing if I find it - call it a late birthday gift.

The only xbox game I'm keeping is Splinter Cell and that's only so I can softmod :D
Found Halo 2 and Halo 2 Multiplayer Map out in the playroom.

No idea if they work still but you're welcome to them ;)