Slim, black Xbox 360 to be paired with Natal for new bundle?

by Steven Williamson on 26 April 2010, 13:50

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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With Microsoft and Sony gearing up to launch their respective motion-sensing peripherals this year, E3 is going to be a great place to be in June, where all the big annoucements will take place.

Rumour has it that Microsoft has so much to announce that it is going to host two press conferences instead of the usual one. One of the big announcements is rumoured to be a new slimline Xbox 360 that will come bundled with Project Natal and will be released in black so that both products complement each other.

The rumour seems to stem from Surfer Girl, a notorious rumour-mongerer known within the industy. Via her blog, it also suggests that everyone is going to be in for one hell of a shock when Microsoft reveals a new Metal Gear Solid game that will take advantage of the motion-sensing peripheral.

It's all hearsay for now, but these upcoming months are going to be very interesting indeed.

Source : Surfer Girl

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Hmmmm, do I get a new slimline xbox and natal or a PS3 with there motion thing for xmas….
Trig;1913568']Hmmmm, do I get a new slimline xbox and natal or a PS3 with there motion thing for xmas….

Depends how good GT5 is ;)
Depends how good GT5 is ;)

Depends if GT5 (ever) comes out.
Depends if GT5 (ever) comes out.

True, but imagine the pain if it didn't!