This Week On Xbox Live Arcade And Marketplace

by Steven Williamson on 27 April 2010, 09:05

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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As part of a new feature each week, we'll be keeping you informed of the latest games, trailers, demos and deals to hit the Xbox Live Marketplace. Starting Monday April 26 and lasting the entire week, Xbox Live Gold Subscribers can pick up the stylistic action packed game, The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai for 50% less than its usual 800 MS Points. That's 400 Microsoft Points, for those without a calculator.

Also hitting Xbox Live Arcade this week, Tecmo Bowl Throwback, a remake of the popular Super Nintendo version of Tecmo Bowl for 800 of your glorious Microsoft Points.

On another note, be sure to grab the Xbox 360 exclusive Split/Second: Velocity demo and buckle up... it's about to get explosive out there!

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