Xbox 360 Slim officially revealed

by Steven Williamson on 14 June 2010, 20:48

Tags: Xbox 360 Slim, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Maybe a matt version but it's too glossy for me.

As I've said elsewhere, I prefer to take the hard drive and memory stick around to a mates than the whole console.

In the conference they mentioned silent or whisper quiet, does that include when the disc is spinning? I've taken to installing all my games just to get rid of the engine noise, would be nice if I didn't always have to.

Wi-Fi's of no use to me and prefer gaming by wire. However if it was quiet and I lived in the US then it'd make an good media centre.

Did I say less gloss?
I really really like it, so much so, I might depending on price have to look into getting one. Especially if the claims as to silent operation actually end up being true!
Just watched the video. The hard drive's removable but it's in a small enclosure, looks like there's still a lock down on using your own drive.
Play have it on pre-order

Thanks for the link, I'll be getting one at that price I think :)