Microsoft’s Kinect will only work when standing?

by Matty Hodgson on 17 June 2010, 14:16

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According to a few sources, “Kinect” will only work if you stand in front of the device, due to the nature of how it tracks your movements.

This seems perfectly acceptable if you’re playing a game, with it being just like the Nintendo Wii, but if you were hoping of sitting on the sofa and fast forwarding and pausing films with just a gentle wave of your arm, you may be out of luck. The voice controls will still work however.

There’s also doubts over Kinects accuracy in measuring the distance and size of objects. During a demonstration the same demonstrator stood in front of the “Your Shape” software, only to find that the 2nd time she stood in front of it, a few hours later, she’d managed to shrink 2 inches. So either she took her shoes off or the software is fairly inaccurate, I know which one my money's on.

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I thought there'd be some stumbling blocks. I'm worried about the amount of room you need and the lighting.

I remember reviewing EyePet with the PlayStation Eye and my room doesn't get much natural light so it wouldn't recognise my commands most of the time even with all lights on.

Also, if I've got to stand up I'd rather just sit on my arse and use the controller.
Well thats pretty crap then if its true, especially if you've seen the prelaunch vids where the family is sat doing some driving game or other and watching movies…
If its true then Natal just lost my interest tbh..
Meh, I can just about be bothered to stand up taking a leak let alone playing an Xbox 360 game.
Steven W;1939482
I thought there'd be some stumbling blocks. I'm worried about the amount of room you need and the lighting.

I remember reviewing EyePet with the PlayStation Eye and my room doesn't get much natural light so it wouldn't recognise my commands most of the time even with all lights on.

Also, if I've got to stand up I'd rather just sit on my arse and use the controller.
When I worked at SCEE I commented on the fact a few of the EyePet devs had extra lighting at their desks! And don't get me started on Move, I'm sorry but that thing looks like it should be in the bedroom not the front room!

I think the whole sit/stand in-front of your console flapping your arms about to play games is still in its infancy. I got a Wii played it for a few weeks (mainly in company) then decided it was a bit meh and sold it. Unless Kinect is leaps forward then I'll wait for Kinect II TYVM
You do relaise that the different between height measurements is about 3%? I very much doubt it will manage 3% in the real world, if it does its bloody clever.