Xbox 360 “Slim” won’t feature RROD.

by Matty Hodgson on 17 June 2010, 16:53

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According to Microsoft the latest revision of the Xbox 360, the slim, will not feature a red lights system. This isn’t due to the console being immune to “dying” or anything like that, you’ll just be informed in a different way instead.

We all know that tech can be very temperemental, but after the original Xbox, everyone will be very wary of Microsofts latest version.

Speaking with IGN at E3, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft Game Studios – Phil Spencer – said:

“Now obviously, the box has a way to communicate to you if something has happened…but yes, three red lights are not part of our sequence of telling somebody something is wrong. Obviously if you look at the success rate of the original 360s, we’re very proud of both the way the company stepped up to support the customers that we had as well as the success rate we have with the box today. I think we’ve learned a lot. That learning has gone into the development of this [new] box.”

Now we’ll just have to wait and see what the latest phrase is.

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BSOD it is then ….
LOL, now it'll come with a 360 Black Screen of Death with a little picture of Steve Balmer shouting Bing! over and over…
Please please make it turn out that it in fact uses three orange lights.
The red magic smoke of death?
Please please make it turn out that it in fact uses three orange lights.

There are four lights!