Safety measures implemented in the new Xbox 360 "Slim".

by Matty Hodgson on 22 June 2010, 09:00

Tags: Xbox 360 Slim, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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With Microsoft trying to improve the Xbox 360s reputation, they’ve done away with the RROD error system and now they’ve taken it one step further by introducing safeguards into the console.

These safeguards will be in the form of an automatic shutdown if the console detects that it’s getting too hot. If this happens the console will automatically shut off and then present you with an error message on-screen:

“The Xbox 360 is shutting down to protect the console from insufficient ventilation. You can turn the console back on after the power light stops flashing.”

Overheating was the main cause of the old model’s technical issues. More recent revisions of the hardware contained beefier heat sinks to help dissipate heat as well as larger braces to prevent the circuit boards from warping.

The Xbox 360’s reliability issues saw it feature twice on BBC’s consumer rights show Watchdog – once due to disc scratching accusations and again for the RROD problem.


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Overheating was the main cause of the old model’s technical issues.

I always found the main cause of technical issues with the 360 was dropping it on the ground while it was running, though my sample size may have been on the small side…
I always found the main cause of technical issues with the 360 was dropping it on the ground while it was running, though my sample size may have been on the small side…

come again? You ok? The main reasons for the 360 failing was heat issues. dropping on the floor? what are you on about?

I has a 360, it broke when it fell of a shelf. Ergo 100% of my 360 fails have been due to falling damage.

It was sort of a joke, but evidently rather a subtle one…

I has a 360, it broke when it fell of a shelf. Ergo 100% of my 360 fails have been due to falling damage.

It was sort of a joke, but evidently rather a subtle one…

Don't worry, I got it Salazaar :laugh: