New Xbox 360 dashboard back to basics

by Steven Williamson on 15 July 2010, 09:57

Tags: Xbox 360 Slim, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Judging by these screenshots, found on French website Logic Sunrise, the Xbox 360 dashboard looks set for a revamp that will possibly coincide with the release of Microsoft's motion-sensing peripheral, Kinect, later this year.

Though the screenshots haven't been confirmed as genuine, they show a much more basic, cleaner and crisper design than the current dashboard, which has received some critisism for being difficult to navigate and actually find what you're looking for.

The new design is said to incorporate a Natal Tuner in the system settings blade allowing you to tweak the configuration of the peripheral, but the main change appears to be the overall look with Microsoft ditching the blade system in favour of a simpler layout.

There's some screenshots below, but you'll have to visit Logic Sunrise to view them all.

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I'm glad, for me the PlayStation XMB is far easier to use and navigate. A simplification for the XBox dashboard would be good.
Logic sunrise has already had a cease and desist on those image… doh!
It's been a while since I had a 360 but haven't they just removed the images for the next/prev menu items & replaced it with the word only? I thought blades went out with the NXE anyway?
Wow, massive revamp or what?..
It's been a while since I had a 360 but haven't they just removed the images for the next/prev menu items & replaced it with the word only? I thought blades went out with the NXE anyway?
Wow, massive revamp or what?..

The blade style is only in the guide menu now (when you press the xbox button on the controller)

The screenshots aren't that case

Looks very similar to the NXE TBH just a few GUI tweaks