Xbox 360 Slim Arcade SKU spotted with 4GB storage

by Steven Williamson on 15 July 2010, 13:06

Tags: Xbox 360 Slim, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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You can't do a fat lot with 4GB these days, especially with the wealth of content available on the Xbox Live Marketplace. However, that hasn't stopped Microsoft, who is alledgedly releasing a new Xbox 360 SKU this Autumn.

A new Xbox 360 Slim Arcade Bundles that sports just 4GB storage (possibly via Flash) has cropped up on Amazon Germany with a release date of August 20, 2010. In comparison, the new Xbox 360 Slim comes packed with 250GB storage. The Arcade bundle will retail at £149.99, whereas the slim costs £199.99.

Microsoft has yet to confirm the new SKU, but if it does arrive it looks likely to replace the existing arcade console which sports just 256MB storage.

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