Xbox 360 slim achieves launch record

by Steven Williamson on 19 July 2010, 14:52

Tags: Xbox 360 Slim, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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According to Chart Trak, Microsoft is celebrating the most successful launch of a revised console ever this week with sales figures for the Xbox 360 slim surpassing those of the launch of the PS2 and PS3 Slim.

Though sales figures have not been revealed, Chart Trak claims that over a two day period the latest Xbox 360 SKU has sold approximately the same as the original Xbox 360.

The new Xbox 360, which boasts a 250GB hard-drive was released last Friday in the UK and some retailers are reported to be sold out having not expected such high demand.

The redesigned, slimmer console retails at £199.99 and features built-in Wi-Fi. It's also said be quieter than previous consoles.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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Bah really? I want Playstation 4 and New Xbox not a slimmer one! What difference does it make to me how big it is :P
A friend picked one up, his main comment is how quiet the slim is compared to the older models, he watches a lot of films on the 360.
I got the new “Slim” version, and i do find it much quieter and also looks alot nicer.
Bah really? I want Playstation 4 and New Xbox not a slimmer one! What difference does it make to me how big it is :P

what do u think it will it be, xbox 540? 720? xbox3?
A friend picked one up, his main comment is how quiet the slim is compared to the older models, he watches a lot of films on the 360.

Thats good, so long as they haven't compromised cooling again? Does he notice if it gets hot or any issues with it? Any strange smell from the vent cover? :p
It shouldn't get stressed for dvd i suppose, how does it hold up under serious gaming or hasn't he tried?