Halo Reach Special and Legendary Editions unboxed

by Steven Williamson on 26 July 2010, 13:53

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, FPS

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The Special and Legendary Edition versions of Bungie's Halo Reach have been unboxed today, showing gamers exactly what they're going to get for their money when the game is released on September 14, 2010.

The two different packages offer a host of collectibles, including figures from the Halo Universe amnd various in-game incentives. It's not often the announcement of Special Editions come with their own video. Check this out...

Halo: Reach is available for pre-order in standard, limited and legendary editions at participating retailers worldwide. The standard edition has an estimated retail price of £49.99 and the limited and legendary editions of the game will retail for £59.99 and £99.99, respectively.

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