Xbox 360 dashboard update expected

by Matty Hodgson on 25 August 2010, 11:21

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Ijaz Akram, from Xbox Live, revealed the news about the future of Xbox Live and how the “right level of engagement” between the community will be needed to take the platform forwards.

He later went on to explain, "You'll see that when we launch on November 10th with Kinect and soon before that we'll have a new dashboard update with all the great new features that come as part of Kinect and make Live a really good experience."

Ijaz wasn’t able to give a release date, stating that Microsoft is yet to decide a release date. The update will include a dashboard specifically designed for Microsoft’s Kinect. The new dashboard will bring new features, including, allowing movies to be controlled using hand gestures and voice.

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Best still work well with the remote - I'm still far from convinced that the kinect is worth the ~£125 asking price.
Best still work well with the remote - I'm still far from convinced that the kinect is worth the ~£125 asking price.

I had a go with Kinect on Monday for about 10 minutes and it was actually very good. Extremely accurate and very easy to use, much better than using the Wii :).