Halo releases to become more frequent

by Steven Williamson on 23 September 2010, 09:44

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, FPS

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Halo Reach may be the last Halo instalment from the guys at Bungie, but prepare yourself for many more games from the multi-million franchise over the coming years.

In an interview with IGN, Phil Spencer, VP of Microsoft Games Studios, says that the company plans to make Halo games more frequently than they have been in the past.

"We're coming up on, what, next year is the 10th anniversary," he explains. "You watch the change in gamers in 10 years. The percentage of players who are playing Reach that were I'll say not old enough to play Halo 1 at the time, 10 years is a long time between launches. We definitely think about a more persistent Halo engagement for customers and not going dark for two years, and Live helps obviously with multiplayer to keep people engaged."

"343 Industries is thinking a lot about how to take this franchise and turn it into something that people feel like they have an ongoing relationship with and they can entertain themselves more often. But it's not, hey every November 6 or whatever we have to ship a game and build a production plan around that. We want to do things that make sense as a first party."

Let's hope that doesn't mean a dip in quality, eh?

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Microsoft just wanna milk Halo for all its worth and quite a few Halo fans i know actually say the best halo games are ones on the original xbox and not the 360