Kinect in short supply, warns Microsoft

by Steven Williamson on 18 October 2010, 08:39

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Kinect, may be in short supply this year, warns Microsoft, following the news that Amazon UK and Game have stopping accepting pre-orders of the motion-sensing peripheral due to such high demand.

Those who don’t manage to pre-order Kinect are being told that stores will be given some additional units, but they’ll be available on a first come first served basis. Kinect launches in Europe on November 10 and Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg’s forecasts that the company will sell 3 million units before the end of the year.

Initially, Kinect will launch with a handful of games, including Kinect Sport and Kinect Adventures, but a host of developers have pledged their support and many more games are expected to launch exclusively for use with Xbox 360 and Kinect over the course of next year.

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