Halo Reach update brings with it Campaign matchmaking

by Steven Williamson on 18 October 2010, 09:38

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), FPS

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Microsoft plans a host of updates to Halo Reach on October 19, including the addition of a Team Sniper and Living Dead play-list, but the biggest news is the introduction of campaign matchmaking which is available to play immediately.

"Today we released the Campaign Matchmaking playlist and soon we'll declassify all of the imagery on Bungie.net," reveals Eric Osborne on the official Bungie site.

"If you haven't completed the campaign yet, we're no longer going to hold your hand and shield your eyes from the sights and sounds of our furiously kickass campaign. It's been long enough.

"Be warned: if you jump into Campaign Matchmaking, you're liable to play the last mission first. If that doesn't bother you at all, go nuts. If it does, it's time to get crackin' on your campaign progress."

The new update tomorrow will also include tweaks to various playlists. The first map pack for Halo Reach lands on November 30. The Noble Map Pack will include three new locations and will cost 600 Microsoft points.

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