Trials HD discounted for one day only
by Steven Williamson
on 25 November 2010, 13:54
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The special deal is part of Microsoft's Xbox LIVE "Black Friday" special promotions. Also included the promotion is Big Pack, the first Trials HD DLC, which can be had for only 240 points this week. It is normally available for 400 points.
This means that over the next week, a thrifty gamer could acquire Trials HD for only 400 points, Big Pack for 240 points, and then next week scoop up Big Thrills for another 400 points - meaning they could get the complete game plus both DLCs for less than 1100 points in all!
Next for Trials HD
Big Thrills, the second DLC for Trials HD, is coming Wednesday, December 1 . It will feature 40 new tracks, including 10 special user created courses, new tournaments, and new achievements. The launch price is 400 Microsoft Points.