Xbox 360 update brings new features

by Steven Williamson on 19 May 2011, 15:40

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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A new system update for Xbox 360 begins today, adding compatibility with the new Xbox 360 disc format and a host of other features.

While the new disc format gives developers an extra 1GB of space to play with, users can look forward to paypal integration and an auto-standby function.

"Once you've linked your PayPal account to your Xbox Live account on, you'll be off and running to use it as a billing option, allowing you to buy content such as Microsoft Points, Xbox Live Gold subscriptions and Games on Demand titles," explains 'Major Nelson' Hryb.

The autostandy feature will turn your Xbox 360 off automatically if it's been idling away for more than one hour.

"Just like any other update to our service, you will know you've received it when you turn on your Xbox 360 console, connect to Xbox Live and receive a notification to download the update. It's important to note that it may take a few days to make its way around the globe. Thanks for your patience if you don't get it right away!" says Major Nelson.

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I thought it already had autostandy feature?

Or is that auto power off?
Bad timing on this one…

I doubt many people will be queuing up for the Paypal integration after the recent PSN fiasco :)