Xbox 360 mod perfect for lazy gamers

by Steven Williamson on 14 July 2011, 11:53

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Console Modder and Internet celebrity Ben Heck, who spends his spare time reconfiguring old videogame units, has revealed his latest creation - an Xbox 360 for very lazer gamers.

Console manufacturers take note - this is the future. Ben Heck has added a 100-disc CD changer onto the Xbox 360 console so there's no need to ever manually switch discs. It looks a little unsightly, but what a great idea. We're forever losing our discs, or putting them in the wrong case, but this solution would mean we'd never have to worry.

Sadly it's not for sale, but Heck is giving it away as a prize!

Want to know how he done it and how to win? Check out the video below...

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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Gotta love the Ben Heck show. Been watching it for a while, also did the portable 360 :D
The future is not CD changers its digital download to the Xbox's hard drive.
Funky mod. Personally I just keep it all in arm's reach, true laziness. :P
my head hurts