Microsoft takes the shine off Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 15 August 2011, 14:46

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Microsoft is to slowly phase out all glossy Xbox 360 S models and replace them in store with the slightly less glamorous-looking - but also less prone to picking up dust - matte consoles.

Via his official blog, Xbox LIVE’s Major Nelson confirms the news.

"The consoles will start to arrive in stores over the coming weeks, so if you really love the idea of a glossy console don't wait much longer," reads the statement.

Glossy Xbox 360s may still make it onto the shelves in the form of Limited Edition consoles, says Major, but all new standard SKUs will now sport a matte finish.

Microsoft's decision to phase out all shiny consoles coincides with the release of the new 250GB matte Xbox 360, shown below, which is due to launch on September 20, 2011.

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now if only all screens could be matte…
Glossy XBox360s being phased out to be replaced with matt consoles

I asked my friend Gollum, and he said:
Me likes the magic box … the precious … it shines, it glows like a dragons eye, it letses us hit Saruman in Crackdown, and beat Sauron in NeedForSpeed. Now nasty Microsoft hobbiteses want to take the precious, and leave me with new magic box like orc skin … me no like the nasty orcses, me no like the nasty Microsoft with their orc skin boxes … give me the precious back, me needs it, me wants it.

And I agree - I quite like the gloss boxes, and they're not that difficult to keep clean (a bit of spectacle cleaner sprayed onto a soft cloth works for me). That said, if I had a matt XBox then it would match the Coolermaster HAF932 case that it's next to - so maybe there's an argument either way.
love my glossy xbox, never had a issue with marks as i don't continually touch it cos I choose to actually play on it….