Xbox 360 thieves face lengthy ban from Xbox Live

by Steven Williamson on 7 September 2011, 15:07

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Microsoft is cracking down on “Marketplace Theft” by banning subscribers from Xbox Live after discovering some users are “illegitimately” downloading content.

Via the official forums, Microsoft has made the following statement:

"During the course of a recent investigation, we have discovered users who illegitimately accessed Xbox Live Marketplace downloadable content.

Our investigation reveals that this access was intentional and not accidental, constituting a blatant violation of the Terms of Use for the service. We will not divulge additional information regarding individual suspensions for these offences.

Please know that we are being very careful regarding these suspensions, and have clear evidence regarding each account issued a permanent suspension from the service. We apologize for any frustration or confusion resulting from our inability to share individual details, and thank you all for your cooperation in this matter."

Some users are reporting that their Xbox Live accounts have been banned until the year 9999.

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