The Wheelman - PC, Xbox 360, PS3

by Steven Williamson on 14 January 2009, 12:55

Tags: The Wheelman, Midway Games, Action/Adventure

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Carnage on the streets

Midway is keeping its cards close to its chest and has yet to reveal the full complement of super-moves, but we do know that ‘Air Jack’ will allow us to leap from one vehicle to the next, jumping onto the seat of motorcycle or an oil tanker, and they’ll also be an ‘aimed shot’ super move, which can be executed whilst sitting in your vehicle. Once again the action will slow down and we’ll be able to blow a vehicle up in one shot.

Destruction and explosions play a major part in Wheelman, with Midway aiming to make many of the crashes look as spectacular as possible. Bumping cars off the road results in a short cinematic sequence that shows their car being blown to shreds and the likes of petrol tankers can be shot at and blown up resulting in carnage on the streets. It remains to be seen whether the Hollywood-style explosions will actually add anything to the game.

Aside from driving, Wheelman will be armed with a weapon so that he can shoot through his windscreen and lean out of his window to kill enemies. They’ll also be some on-foot missions, which will utilise a simple lock on target system and cover system and will offer us weapons such as pistols, assault rifles and shotguns.

We’ll be reviewing Wheelman in February. We’re not quite sure what to expect and whether the 100+ side missions and 30+ story missions can offer enough variety to keep us interested. One thing we can guarantee though is that, if nothing else, it will be explosive.

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Made in the UK IIRC :)
Saw a trailer of it summer last year at a game expo

Looks like a cross between Driver and GTA though….
Got reservations about this, seems like it's all about the shazam rather than the gameplay. should be getting a copy so hopefully we'll have a review.