Dazzling graphics and great map variety
High Wycombe was the venue for Ubisoft's paintballing event and a chance to get to grips with the latest installment in the Tom Clancy series. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter.
We've heard so much about the dazzling graphics that utilise the power of the Xbox 360, but we were more interested in how the game actually plays, map design, the new Cross-com feature and any improvements we could spot. First off, we were split into two groups of six for some hardcore multiplayer team survival on some fantastically well designed maps. Within 15 minutes or so of playing each individual map, it was clear in my mind that GRAW could potentially be the best multiplayer online experience on the Xbox 360 so far. I'd even go as far to say that the glory days of playing the original Ghost Recon might well be back. The game feels like an award winner, plays like an award winner and delivers an all-round intense team based experience, arguably not seen since the likes of the original.

The maps are all based within the confines of one of the World's largest cities, Mexico City, they are meticulously detailed, atmospheric and provide perfect battlegrounds for the intense battles that lie ahead. The multiplayer maps have been created specifically for online and the hoards of Xbox live clans will be delighted at the results. The following maps are available in the multiplayer version of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Fishing Village, Rocky Cove , Desert Gulch,Boneyard,Dry Dock ,Nowhere ,Old Town,Wharf,Treasury and Temple.
The first map we tested out was Desert Gulch, a dry rocky expanse with ridges and twisted pathways. A railway bridge sits in the centre providing wooden beams for cover, whilst rocks make ideal objects to hide behind and await the enemies. It's pretty easy on all maps to find the other teams spawn point and camp outside waiting for the kill, but GRAW gives you the option to choose random spawn points, ensuring that they'll never know which direction they'll be coming from. On Desert Gulch it's a matter of a few minutes before you reach the enemy spawn, so teamwork is crucial. Due to the winding pathways and the multitude of rocks you'll often run straight into an enemy. If one player goes running in, Rambo style, he'll almost definitely be gunned down. You'll need to think about your team's tactics in order to be victorious. The map allows for sniping or for close up action but because the map layout allows for flanking maneuvers you always need to be on the lookout for enemies. It's a small, intense map that’s easy to learn, whether you're a runner and gunner or a camping sniper the experience will be pleasurable. Out of all the maps we played, I found this map to be my least favourite, and it was still great.