Ghost Recon Advanced WarFighter Hands-on Preview

by Steven Williamson on 2 March 2006, 10:48

Tags: Ghost REcon Advanced Warfighter, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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The Wharf

Next up was Wharf, an over and under map set, unsurprisingly, on a wharf where ships have docked. The rain beats down and blurs your vision, and although night-vision isn't exactly necessary, it can be difficult to spot snipers hiding at the back of the map. Have no fear though, if a sniper kills you, GRAW will zoom in on the spot where you were sniped from, allowing you to pick him off on your next attempt. I'm unsure as to whether this option can be turned on or off, but if can't be, campers may be well and truly stuffed.


Once again Wharf is impeccably designed, both teams begin on either side of the walkways that adjoin the two areas, it's a case of sitting back and picking them off, or making a suicidal dash across the walkways, attempting to avoid sniper fire. There are also two side routes over to the enemy side, meaning you'll have to have eyes in the back of your head, or you'll have to all be positioned strategically to ensure no-one sneaks up from behind. It's an intense map that will see you keeping a low profile as you try and pick out any advancing foe. A carefully placed grenade can be extremely effective on some off these smaller maps.


The accuracy of grenades has definitely been improved. Almost immediately I was throwing grenades exactly where I wanted them to land with the minimum of effort. However your soldier will remain perfectly still when launching the grenade. This is unrealistic and some fans may find it annoying that you are often shot dead before the grenade leaves your hand, however it does make you choose your grenade throws more carefully, instead of throwing them around, willy nilly.