Review: ECTS Dissolved : Konami

by Jo Shields on 5 September 2002, 00:00

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Silent Hill

Silent Hill is Konami's answer to Capcom's Resident Evil games. Similar in idea, SH has always been somewhat more psychological and disturbing than RE, if less scary and action-based. Silent Hill 2: Inner Fears is a port of the acclaimed game to the XBox, giving it its first Survival Horror title yet. Silent Hill 3 is the next game in the series and is (so far) only for PS2. Graphically however, we have an oddity. Despite buckets more power at its disposal, the XBox game is a whole lot less pretty than the PS2 sequel:

Silent Hill 2 on XBox

Silent Hill 3 on PS2

The reason for this is likely to be that SH2 is just a straight port from the PS2 - nothing new, nothing extra. SH3 on the other hand is being developed at a point where developers (ESPECIALLY Konami) are expert in squeezing every ounce of power from Sony's eccentric architecture. It's a shame that they've missed the opportunity to remake SH2 for the better (think Resident Evil on the GameCube), but porting is cheaper and quicker...

XBox Screenshots: Screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen

PS2 Screenshots: Screen screen screen screen screen screen screen screen
