A rat with a love for the finer things in life.
You've got to hand it to Pixar they've made some cracking films, haven't they? The likes of Toy Story and Monsters Inc have superb story-lines, likeable characters and ground breaking animation, whilst Ratatouille, the eighth feature film from the award-winning studio, has received outstanding reviews, with many lauding the film for its witty script and rich array of characters.Ratatouille has actually been billed as the best Pixar film to date, which is high praise indeed from the critics, but a big ask from the videogame developers, who can be cock-sure that they'll make a pretty penny from its release on all formats. But, can Ratatouille the videogame possibly achieve the same critical success as the movie?
I think you can probably guess the answer...
I’ve played both the Xbox 360 version and the PS2 version (completing the latter) and I’ve been left wondering why the film has been praised so highly. Despite the game launching two weeks prior to the movie’s release, the game does nothing to help sell the film's engaging storyline and humour; in fact it almost has the opposite effect and, if I hadn't read the glittering movie reviews, would have done a fair job at putting me off going to see it.
Unlike the charismatic performers that appear in this rat-infested animated masterpiece, Ratatouille the videogame lacks character and humour. While adults and seasoned gamers will see straight through the regurgitated ideas and below average platform adventures, kids and fans of the film will probably gain some enjoyment out the range of scenarios that you find yourself in as the wannabe chef and super sniffer extraordinaire, Rémy the rat.

Ratatouille follows the story of Rémy who, after leaving the attic of his French country home and his colony behind, heads for the heart of Paris. Rémy’s culinary aspirations lead him to living beneath one of Paris’s top restaurants, where he forges an alliance with one of the chefs, Linguini and plans to help him on his way to becoming one of the country’s greatest chefs.
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