Review: Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 21 November 2007, 14:19

Tags: Assassins Creed, Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Take a huge leap of faith

The only side-quests that are good fun are when you need to save the citizens from being beaten up by guards. This is the main chance that you’ll have, aside from assassinations, to use the fighting mechanic in Assassin’s Creed. It’s a shame that you’re not forced to use it more in quests because they it’s been executed really well.

You begin each of your main missions back at the base where you learn a new skill and starting off with a sword you learn how to defend and attack. As you progress, you learn how to do combos, how to use a blade, throw knives and pull off some visually excellent counter moves where you can grab your opponent around the wrist and stick a blade right through them - amongst other grisly moves. Fighting is a great deal of fun, but I think it’s fair to say that the A.I don’t really put up a stiff enough fight and it’s fairly easy to see off half a dozen guards or so without breaking a sweat.

Before I wrap the review up it’s worth mentioning the ‘leap of faith’, which you may have seen on the trailers. Basically, you can unlock viewpoints throughout the game (high points) and once you climb to the top of the spire, castle or bell tower, you can synchronise the map, which allows you to see all of the side-objectives on the map. You’re treated to a bird’s eye view of the environment or the city, which is great in itself, but the best thing of all is being able to blindly leap off without fearing death. You jump off, arms astretch and you’ll land in a hay-cart safe and sound. It’s a nice gimmick and after the first dozen of so times it’s pretty impressive.

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

The fact is Assassin’s Creed just ambles along without ever really gathering pace; the action is really thin on the ground. Traveling between the cities on horseback is a chore – it’s a bloody long way – and it’s made more boring by the fact that there’s nothing much to do apart from seek out the odd viewpoint, kill a couple of Templars or go hunting for the hundreds of flags dotted around.

I’ve experience loads of glitches on my travels. I’ve watched my character walk off into the distance whilst my camera remained in position, I’ve walked straight through scenery, or I've become stuck in scenery and had to reset the console. I haven’t once gone looking for glitches, so it’s quite a shock that many of these bugs haven’t been ironed out before release

Despite the game falliing short on the entertainment front, and despite some glitches, Ubisoft Montreal has really shown us what can be achieved on the Xbox 360 with Assassin’s Creed. From a technical and graphical viewpoint it’s a fantastic achievement and I’ve personally enjoyed the storyline and I’ve been mildly stimulated by the main assassination missions and the fighting, but the game just lacks that vital injection of pace and excitement.

Assassin’s Creed is still a good game; just don’t expect it to be half as good as the graphics. And…more importantly, never listen to hype, you’ll only end up being disappointed.

Looks fab
Great animation
Assassination missions are fun
Fighting is great

No need for all the bugs
Not enough variety in the missions
Not challenging

It looks incredible, just don’t expect it to blow you away in terms of gameplay.

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Assassin’s Creed - Xbox 360

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I have to agree, I'm probably about 2/3rds of the way through the game and i'm struggling to keep the interest levels going. The only things that are kinda keeping me playing are the achievements, but that's hardly a good sign.

I must say the first few hours had a few jaw-dropping moments, but since I got the hang of counter attacking and figured out a half decent technique for the free-running it's all stayed pretty much the same. Where I used to take my time and be nice and stealthy I now find myself running between objectives as it doesn't really matter if you get spotted, it takes no time at all to lose the guards.

The first few hours were wicked though! :S
Pretty much how I feel Jamie. Almost all the way through it now, but I feel like I'm trying to complete it for the sake of completing it, and to get the most out of my purchase. Was a good game at first, but Ubisoft really did screw up on the objectives and actions you can do further on in the game.
i am only a couple of hours into it as i only got it 2 daysago but so far i am loving it.

you can see that they based the climbing/free roaming on the controls used in prince of persia as the running up walls and jumping back to your death was very common in that game also.

have only assassinated one or two people have been busy doing the viewpoints and save the citizen

leap of faith is superb and my 3 yr old son loves watching it

all in all i'd say a good game but i feel it will get repetitive as i go on
I've played on it at a friends, and to be honest, I wasn't that impressed. I imagined something much better! The plot is a bit too loose if you ask me.