Let's hope the movie is better
There are some decent moments in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, which may warrant a rental, and the chemistry between the two main characters is good and the storyline will certainly appeal to some, but as a game it never really takes off and it has some frustrating gameplay mechanics, which ultimately makes the game feel rough around the edges.The lack of online co-op is an issue, but is the solid multiplayer mode does make up for it in some respects. Nevertheless, while gamers new to the genre and action movie fans alike may enjoy the scenarios you’re faced with in Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, veteran gamers will turn their noses up at the poor game mechanics, sloppy AI and lack of sparkle in this very average shooter.

Great characters and story
Some memorable moments
Poor AI
Faulty damage system
Over sensitive controls
Inconsistent covering system
Some nice ideas, good characters and decent storyline, but flawed gameplay.
HEXUS Awards

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men – Xbox 360