Review: Lost Planet 2 - Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 6 May 2010, 11:15 4.25

Tags: Capcom Lost Planet 2, Capcom (TYO:9697), Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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You won't get lost of this planet, dataposts light up the area

Lost Planet 2 demands to be played with a group of friends if you really want to experience the way the game should be played. It’s clear that the gameplay, the way the levels are designed, and the tough enemy A.I., were designed specifically for tackling in groups and in short bursts of gameplay, perfect for those wanting to pop in and out of a mission online. When played like this, Lost Planet 2 is one of the finest co-op shooters of recent years.

You see, Lost Planet 2 is bloody hard when you play it alone. I’ve played and completed it with three friendly A.I. on my team and it’s taken me 20 hours +. On one boss battle alone I've spent 3 hours trying to tame the huge sand-dwelling beast from destroying my train. This is an intense, immersive and enjoyable thrill-ride, a game of vast tactical choice - specifically when playing with friends - but it’s not without its frustrations when playing alone. The three A.I. pals that stand beside when playing solo are quite unpredictable. At times they’ll convincingly work alongside you and you can even stand back a little while they take out the smaller guys, but other times they'll go completely AWOL. When it comes to the boss battles and larger Akrid or mechanical beasts you’ll sometimes feel like you’re fighting alone; and you’ll end up doing multiple tasks that other team-mates would be doing if you were playing multiplayer.

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