Review: Red Dead Redemption - Xbox 360, PS3

by Steven Williamson on 24 May 2010, 11:25 4.6

Tags: Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Horses and Whores

Despite the open environment, it’s never too long before you embroiled in something exciting, perhaps stumbling on a bandit encampment prime for looting, or hunting for cougars. Like the GTA games, you can be on your way to carry out one objective and get side tracked by half a dozen other things that will keep you occupied or entertained. These side tasks are entertaining enough, but the progression system also ensures that you're amply rewarded for carrying out tasks away from the mission as you improve your skills in certain areas, earn cash, or unlock new outfits. Rising through the ranks and increasing your fame is all part of the attraction of wanting to try your hand at everything the game has to offer.

Nevertheless,this wouldn't be a Wild West if the action didn't focus heavily on combat and gunplay. Red Dead Redemption has many exciting shoot-outs to look forward to and thankfully on-foot shooting sections are very tense and enjoyable thanks to the slick control scheme and excellent A.I. The cover system works extremely well and the enemy AI reacts intelligently to ensure that any shoot-out you face is challenging and entertaining.

The animations are also stunning. You'll never tire of shooting someone in the knee-caps and watching them fall one leg at a time to the ground, or hitting someone in the shoulder and watching them spin 180 degrees. Despite the no thrill no spills weapon set, which includes revolvers, shot-guns and the immensely enjoyable lasso, they all handle distinctly differently and have their own strengths and weaknesses which adds a degree of strategy to each hard fought battle. The Dead Eye targeting system can also be used to good effect and gives some fights a cinematic feel as you slow down time to tackle and pin-point multiple enemies.

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